Once again, you helped me celebrate my birthday. Last year we both celebrated our 16th, and this year we both celebrated our 17th. Its still hard to believe that we are only a few weeks apart! Brett made pinkies, our favourite dessert!
I think about you every single day. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. Its been quite an obstacle without you but every little bit of strength I get, I know it’s from you.
Keep shinning and stay beautiful. I love you to the moon and back, Jordan.
It will soon be a year, a day of unforgettable tragedy. A phone call no one expected to receive. I still can’t believe it. I really can’t! You cross my mind as you do so many each day Jo, one year later and I have not found one ounce of understanding or for the words so many say, “there is a reason for everything”. We know you’re looking after the young ones, that’s for sure. And probably reading to or helping the old ones. Playing basketball? Who is to say…….
Erin and I often comment, how much Jordan would love Scarlett. You would be down at the house all the time, I know it. She has your big beautiful blue eyes Jo. But no hair…… Your hair is so beautiful. We often call her SJ, she is soooooooooooo busy, bright, fun & beautiful. She’s athletic already Jordan, never stops moving – long legs (that’s the Sirianni in her) and the only difference is, she’s sassy . You were never sassy Jordan, but maybe you were at six months. I’ll ask your Mom on that one.
Keep smiling darling, wherever you are. We miss you so much! I miss hearing your “Okey Dokey”. Your Mom & Dad know that I can’t be with them on Wednesday but always in spirit with love and prayers. I miss Andy too, he’s second year and a Hot, smart, busy University guy now. I always like to see him when he’s home.
Mom, Dad, Andy, Papa, Nanny, Jen, Curtis, Rob, Auntie Lee & Karen, Auntie B, Uncle Al, all the family along with Mary and friends will share their memories of you. All your incredible and beautiful friends from school and sports will do the same. Honour November 2nd as Jordan Lynn Fawcett Day. You will forever remain an inspiration to us all Jordan.
I love You.
Love Laura & now, it’s ‘Grandma Posh’ Jo……………. Cool eh!
Well I start my 2nd and last year of college tomorrow. It’s a little intense, due to the fact that this will be my final year before having to fully step into the “real world”. However I am excited because it means that after these next 8 months, I’m free to do anything with my life, which is a very exciting thought!
But what I really wanted to say was, thank you for watching over me on my trip to Italy. I didn’t have a problem with any of the people, or even with getting lost when I was on my own. Thanks for having my back the whole time I was never afraid because I always knew that I wasn’t completely alone when I was in Rome, or going through the train stations. I never really had to worry about too much. At least, that’s how I felt. I think everyone else was more worried for me now that I think of it.
All in all, I had an amazing time. Rome was absolutely wonderful! Seeing the ruins of the Senate building, the remnants of Caesar’s Palace, and of course, the Colosseum. I’ve waited a decade to see the Great Arena, and I finally got too. I spent hours there, walking through the structure, taking it all in. Half the time I spent there I just sat within it’s walls and marveled at it’s ancient beauty. I lost myself in it’s history, I didn’t want to leave. I couldn’t believe that I finally got to see the number 1 piece of history on my list. I got myself there. I finally made it all happen, and with a lot of your help. A lot of the days spent at Chapman’s I was hard pressed to continue the job. But you kept pushing me along, making me determined to succeed with my ambitions for the summer’s end. And you helped me make one of my all time dreams come true. And for that I thank you.
Not only was I able to surround myself with the past times of Ancient Rome, but I was able to spend a lot of time with one of my best friends. Andreas and I had a great time in Vicenza, and I really was able to get a sense of the Italian lifestyle. It was definitely different, but an amazing experience nonetheless. I made sure that I kept my promise to him to pay him a visit in the summer, and no small thanks to you.
Venice with Andreas was also quite the adventure. Although navigation through the city streets was next to impossible lol. However, we still took in it’s beauty and I was able to see one of the most famous and astonishing cities in all the world.
Out of it all, I was able to see wonders in the world that I was never sure that I would ever see in my lifetime. I stood among history that is thousands of years old. I spent good times with one of my best friends in a completely different environment. And I also found answers to questions that I have been asking myself for a long time here back home. You helped make all of this happen Jordan, and I am truly grateful for that. I owe you big time, and I promise that I will never forget those moments. I will never forget those answers that I found for myself. I will never forget the most important lessons that you have taught me. And that I will never forget to keep my Faith Solid and Unwavering, and my Strength Constant and Unbreakable. Thank you Angel, for keeping me standing after all of the tough times that have come, and for allowing myself to create wonderful memories that will never die. I promise that I will always do my best, and that I will always keep fighting the good fight, no matter how bad the odds may seem.
Nothing’s Forgotten. Nothing is Ever Forgotten.
And you, dear Jordan, will always be remembered as the best of us all, and the one who will never allow us to give up. Thank you for the wisdom and strength, the lessons, and the constant light shining over us, keeping us forever safe.
Thank you.
Nate Burbank
p.s. I proudly wore my little Angel as well as my I <3 Jordan t-shirt in Italy
Every summer for the past three years my friends and I go up to the beach for a few days to enjoy the water, sun and each other. This year was a very special beach trip because we took Jo! I am sure she was swimming, tanning and laughing with us all.
While shopping at the beach I wanted to buy a necklace with a heart on it to show Jo how much I care for her and love her. It took me FOREVER to find the perfect one but once I did I knew Jordan was telling me to get this one. She will be with me forever and from now on she is always welcome to come to the beach with us.
I have taken you to Prom Night ! … i will take you again next year in our graduating class … I have taken you to Cuba, and i will continue to take you everywhere with me. I still can’t help but keep thinking about how we could have been much closer friends – every time i talked to you we had some good laughs i even dream about you, and it upsets me but makes me thankful in a way, because it feels like you have visited. I will never forget you.
<3 I hope you are somewhere living your second life as well as you lived the first one!
I miss you.
Last week the GHSS Track & Field Team proudly wore our I Love Jordan shirts at the BAA Meet in Kincardine and successfully competed in many events! Of special note is the excellent high jumping by Brett MacMillan with some pushes from Jordan (he wore his shirt and his angel pin!) to get over a height he had not achieved in a long time to place 2nd in the competition! We were all inspired to compete with the same perseverance Jordan showed in every sport she participated in! Thanks Jordan, it was an honour to have you along for inspiration! I sure missed you on the bus and at the meet….wished I could see you run the hurdles and take a few good jumps over the high jump bar!! I hope you stick with us as we head to CWOSSA this week.
I didn’t see this blog when I visited this website before, but I was just thinking about Jo and found it, which I’m glad about. I love that you posted her writing, haha, she wrote with all her personality. Especially her grade five speech…I remember her saying that in front of our class and then the school and it just brought back all these memories.
I took my angel with me to Myrtle Beach, North Carolina on March Break, and we had a great time. I’m planning on traveling the world after highschool, and I’m bringing her with me wherever I go!
I just wanted to add that normally people say that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. That isn’t the case with Jo. She was appreciated every single day of her life.
Miss you xo.
Another trip with my Angel; funny we often said – The Fawcett’s just have to go to Aspen one day! The way Andy and Jordan ski? Not to mention Deb and Dave. And think of the chatting Deb and I could do all the way up those long gondola rides
It’s been an emotional year; it was a tough, late start for me at Beaver; for so many Saturday and Sunday mornings in the past started with me following Jo down Eager Beaver. “Go first Jo” I would say, let me follow and watch your beautiful, graceful way down. “Make me ski pretty”! My goodness she was an amazing and natural skier!
After hesitation I took the trip this year. I skied best ever; very steep with my angel every day. Inspiration……….
Aspen is crazy with wealth, outfits!! Poshie, beautiful……….Jordan would LOVE to see all the amazing clothes in stores and gorgeous people walking around. Her eyes were wide open last summer when Jo stayed with us in the city for a week. We went shopping every day. We “I” sipped wine in Yorkville while we people watched. A lot of beautifully dressed people in downtown Toronto on a sunny warm afternoon too. We visited the Bata Museum, shopped again…………..
Oh yes, back to Aspen………..I know she was up there; I would have never gone down all those runs I have never done before, but I had to show her from the very top. She got me down; safe and sound and with an ease and grace I never felt before on skies…………..
Jordan made a trip with many of us to North Carolina and Washington DC this past March Break! We made lots of great memories and i cant think of a time she wasn’t with me.
Ever since Jordan returned from France she told me how much she wanted to travel, to see the world and all it has to offer! We made plans to go to teachers collage together and go to Australia for a semester. This is a task I still plan to accomplish!
On our last day of touring Washington we all wore our I <3 Jordan T-Shirts and I know she was laughing at us! It took many shots to get one we all looked decent in! if hair wasn't flying around then someone had blinked or looked away! i ducked in this one because i didn't want to get hit with bird crap by a crap-hawk!!
In April Jordan’s coming to Mexico with me! As long as that’s alright with her I’m really going to need you if I am to get over my fear of flying!!!!!! I also hope that you can come see Rihanna with Heather and I in June! It shall be a blast!
Jordan I miss you soo much!!!! Everytime I see your picture on my nightstand it helps me get through the day! I’m always checking to make sure my angel is on my coat and and when I wear my I <3 Jordan T-Shirt I feel kind of empowered, knowing that your with me wherever I am!
I love you with all of my heart!
To the moon and back<3
Your hubby Brett
In Loving Memory of a Talented Girl, an Astonishing GHSS Lion, a Princess, and an Angel.
Throughout all of our lives there have been very few people who have achieved such an extraordinary amount of respect, admiration, and love within a lifetime, especially one so young of age. This particular girl had gained an incredible status at the age of just 15 years old, and has created an everlasting legacy of love, honesty, knowledge, understanding, compassion, and courage (to just name a few), that will be remembered and passed down for generations to come.
I never knew Jordan on a personal level, and to claim so would be a lie. However, one did not need to know her in person, for she gave off an overwhelming, but very comforting charisma that let you know just what a great and unique girl she was. She had a name for herself, and it wasn’t just because of her grades or athletic accomplishments, which were outstanding, she had created that name for herself through her interactions with everyone around her. She was always there to give her support and strength to help others when they needed it. You didn’t need to be a genius to clearly see that she genuinely cared for her family and friends without fail nor faltering.
I can honestly say that even though I never knew her personally, Jordan Fawcett has changed my life on a very emotional scale. She has taught me some of the most precious lessons that one could ever learn during their time on earth. She has taught me to appreciate the little things, the small moments that you never really think of. She has taught me to appreciate every second that I have with my family and friends, never taking it for granted. She has given me strength to get through some of the toughest and most trying times of my life, and has made me understand that you are only as strong as you allow yourself to be. There are so many things that have been shown to me that I can’t even list them all.
It hasn’t even just been me who has been forever changed by her. I know that every single person who knew, or had known of Jordan, have all been changed by her. It was clear that she wasn’t just a regular girl. When she passed, it sent a shock throughout an entire community, and even farther. Over 80% of GHSS had dressed formal for her after she passed away. Not only that, but college students spread all over Ontario, who were once kids attending GHSS a year ago, such as myself, dressed formal for her wherever we were. Over 2,500 posts were made on facebook within the matter of a few days. Over 700 people had attended her funeral service, let alone visited her for only a moment before she was laid to rest. An entire community had put aside all of their problems and their differences, and had come together to honour the life and memory of Jordan. Our world literally stood still for her, to show just how much we cared for her and how much she meant to everyone.
I can’t even begin to wonder how proud Dave, Debbie, Andy, the entire Fawcett Family, and all of Jordan’s friends, are of her. The way I look at it, Jordan was a blessing for everyone. She has turned into everyone’s light to shine through the darkness, our source of strength when we think that we can’t carry on anymore, and our Guardian Angel when we feel alone or scared. She has become a part of each and every one of us, and her legacy has been left for us to continue to carry on throughout our time and beyond.
We all wear our Angel pins to show that we care, and that we remember. We all cherish that Angel because it just doesn’t represent Jordan; it shows that we always carry her with us wherever we go. She will always be watching over us, making sure that everything is ok. There is never a moment without her, nor will there ever be. She is a part of us.
Here is to you Jordan. You will never be forgotten. You were the best of not only the Lion’s pride, but you were and always will be the best of each and everyone us. You earned it.
And now, as our Angel, we will feel your smile grace our lives with your beautiful light throughout every day until our own time comes.
We’ll see you again soon Jordan <3
p.s. This is a picture of the drawing I made for you. I hope you like it
Although our hearts were telling us that we wanted to be close to our family and our memories of Jordan, this winter Lynn and I did take a two week trip to the sunny south. And a cruise of the Western Caribbean. Our Angel accompanied us to Tampa were we joined our cruise ship. She was with us on the Cayman Islands. She looked over us in Belize …. and Roatan. We needed only to check the pin on my shirt to feel her with us in Cozumel.
But mostly she was closest to us on those nights at sea when her Nanny and I were alone on deck. While standing at the rail of a ship at night overlooking the vastness of sea and heavens we could feel Jo’s presence as if our couples embrace was a group hug.
We had many portraits taken of us on the ship that week. Only one, however, did not seem to mirror the sadness in our eyes. In that one, we discovered only after we had ordered it, the photographer had us posed so that the angel pin in my lapel was hidden. But that’s all right. We know it was there. And we know it will be there wherever our travels in the future take us.
This is a great site. Definitely brought the tears. She is so beautiful, i miss seeing her face at school. She was such an incredible girl … It’s so insane for me to be reading her final drama written assignment because i remember when i was also writing about empathy. I love how she mentions her epilepsy and says “the glass is half full!” She makes everyone want to be as positive as her. She was thankful for the life she had and she is such an inspiration to me. I will always wear your angel Jordan<3
http://www.jordanfawcett.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/I love Jordan-1.JPG
Jordan and I met when she was in the eighth grade and I was in the seventh. Although she was a grade ahead of me, we learned that she is only a few weeks older than me. Her birthday is Decemeber 27th 1994 and mine is January 12th 1995. We would always talk about our 16th birthday, and this year we both finally turned 16. On her birthday I wore my I love Jordan t-shirt and her angel around my neck and celebrated her sweet 16. A couple of weeks later I wore my I love Jordan t-shirt and her angel around my neck and she celebrated my sweet 16 with me.
I will always wear her angel and take her to places she’s never been. Every year we will celebrate our birthdays together.
Love, Paige McGoldrick
[img]http://www.jordanfawcett.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/I love Jordan-1.JPG[/img]
I wanted to share with you that I took Jordan to New York last week; my angel went through 6 “very fashionable” clothing changes (regardless that I only stayed 3 days) and watched me try on 6 more…………. Deb reminded me to-day that Jordan always wanted to go with me to NYC when she got a bit older. As you all can imagine; I would have luved to take her…… And I told her I would.
When Deb asked the students to take Jo with them to all their life adventures, I decided I would too. My Angel is a part of me now. And you know what, stayed at a brand new hotel which was an Oasis for me for 3 days……….. Funny how things seem to happen a little different when you have an Angel on you.
I also stood and looked up at that fabulous 400 year old Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Centre for a long time; so did Jo, right from my collar (and we did Bloomingdales and Saks – I know she would have adored that part!)
Jordan will be going to Quebec City this week; I know I will be safe on these travels as long as my Angel is with me.
Jo was also busy this weekend looking after someone in heaven; she’s always going to have a job to do. I’m inspired to know her spirit and enthusiasm will be there to look after those who go, especially those children, babies. Someone has to be there for them…………..
And my choice is to keep her spirit and enthusiasm within me, to help me cope, to guide me through tough days, sad days, to keep me focused. To lead me through decisions (mostly the tough ones) – Jordan Fawcett was an old soul………….. and she will always guide in spirit to take care of her Mom, Dad, Andy, family and friends.
Once again, you helped me celebrate my birthday. Last year we both celebrated our 16th, and this year we both celebrated our 17th. Its still hard to believe that we are only a few weeks apart! Brett made pinkies, our favourite dessert!
I think about you every single day. From the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. Its been quite an obstacle without you but every little bit of strength I get, I know it’s from you.
Keep shinning and stay beautiful. I love you to the moon and back, Jordan.
It will soon be a year, a day of unforgettable tragedy. A phone call no one expected to receive. I still can’t believe it. I really can’t! You cross my mind as you do so many each day Jo, one year later and I have not found one ounce of understanding or for the words so many say, “there is a reason for everything”. We know you’re looking after the young ones, that’s for sure. And probably reading to or helping the old ones. Playing basketball? Who is to say…….
Erin and I often comment, how much Jordan would love Scarlett. You would be down at the house all the time, I know it. She has your big beautiful blue eyes Jo. But no hair…… Your hair is so beautiful. We often call her SJ, she is soooooooooooo busy, bright, fun & beautiful. She’s athletic already Jordan, never stops moving – long legs (that’s the Sirianni in her) and the only difference is, she’s sassy . You were never sassy Jordan, but maybe you were at six months. I’ll ask your Mom on that one.
Keep smiling darling, wherever you are. We miss you so much! I miss hearing your “Okey Dokey”. Your Mom & Dad know that I can’t be with them on Wednesday but always in spirit with love and prayers. I miss Andy too, he’s second year and a Hot, smart, busy University guy now. I always like to see him when he’s home.
Mom, Dad, Andy, Papa, Nanny, Jen, Curtis, Rob, Auntie Lee & Karen, Auntie B, Uncle Al, all the family along with Mary and friends will share their memories of you. All your incredible and beautiful friends from school and sports will do the same. Honour November 2nd as Jordan Lynn Fawcett Day. You will forever remain an inspiration to us all Jordan.
I love You.
Love Laura & now, it’s ‘Grandma Posh’ Jo……………. Cool eh!
Hey Jordan,
Well I start my 2nd and last year of college tomorrow. It’s a little intense, due to the fact that this will be my final year before having to fully step into the “real world”. However I am excited because it means that after these next 8 months, I’m free to do anything with my life, which is a very exciting thought!
But what I really wanted to say was, thank you for watching over me on my trip to Italy. I didn’t have a problem with any of the people, or even with getting lost when I was on my own. Thanks for having my back the whole time
I was never afraid because I always knew that I wasn’t completely alone when I was in Rome, or going through the train stations. I never really had to worry about too much. At least, that’s how I felt. I think everyone else was more worried for me now that I think of it.
All in all, I had an amazing time. Rome was absolutely wonderful! Seeing the ruins of the Senate building, the remnants of Caesar’s Palace, and of course, the Colosseum. I’ve waited a decade to see the Great Arena, and I finally got too. I spent hours there, walking through the structure, taking it all in. Half the time I spent there I just sat within it’s walls and marveled at it’s ancient beauty. I lost myself in it’s history, I didn’t want to leave. I couldn’t believe that I finally got to see the number 1 piece of history on my list. I got myself there. I finally made it all happen, and with a lot of your help. A lot of the days spent at Chapman’s I was hard pressed to continue the job. But you kept pushing me along, making me determined to succeed with my ambitions for the summer’s end. And you helped me make one of my all time dreams come true. And for that I thank you.
Not only was I able to surround myself with the past times of Ancient Rome, but I was able to spend a lot of time with one of my best friends. Andreas and I had a great time in Vicenza, and I really was able to get a sense of the Italian lifestyle. It was definitely different, but an amazing experience nonetheless. I made sure that I kept my promise to him to pay him a visit in the summer, and no small thanks to you.
Venice with Andreas was also quite the adventure. Although navigation through the city streets was next to impossible lol. However, we still took in it’s beauty and I was able to see one of the most famous and astonishing cities in all the world.
Out of it all, I was able to see wonders in the world that I was never sure that I would ever see in my lifetime. I stood among history that is thousands of years old. I spent good times with one of my best friends in a completely different environment. And I also found answers to questions that I have been asking myself for a long time here back home. You helped make all of this happen Jordan, and I am truly grateful for that. I owe you big time, and I promise that I will never forget those moments. I will never forget those answers that I found for myself. I will never forget the most important lessons that you have taught me. And that I will never forget to keep my Faith Solid and Unwavering, and my Strength Constant and Unbreakable. Thank you Angel, for keeping me standing after all of the tough times that have come, and for allowing myself to create wonderful memories that will never die. I promise that I will always do my best, and that I will always keep fighting the good fight, no matter how bad the odds may seem.
Nothing’s Forgotten. Nothing is Ever Forgotten.
And you, dear Jordan, will always be remembered as the best of us all, and the one who will never allow us to give up. Thank you for the wisdom and strength, the lessons, and the constant light shining over us, keeping us forever safe.
Thank you.
Nate Burbank
p.s. I proudly wore my little Angel as well as my I <3 Jordan t-shirt in Italy
Every summer for the past three years my friends and I go up to the beach for a few days to enjoy the water, sun and each other. This year was a very special beach trip because we took Jo! I am sure she was swimming, tanning and laughing with us all.
While shopping at the beach I wanted to buy a necklace with a heart on it to show Jo how much I care for her and love her. It took me FOREVER to find the perfect one but once I did I knew Jordan was telling me to get this one. She will be with me forever and from now on she is always welcome to come to the beach with us.
Love always,
Paige McGoldrick
[img]http://www.jordanfawcett.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Jordans Angel-1.jpg[/img]
i even dream about you, and it upsets me but makes me thankful in a way, because it feels like you have visited. I will never forget you.
I have taken you to Prom Night ! … i will take you again next year in our graduating class … I have taken you to Cuba, and i will continue to take you everywhere with me. I still can’t help but keep thinking about how we could have been much closer friends – every time i talked to you we had some good laughs
<3 I hope you are somewhere living your second life as well as you lived the first one!
I miss you.
Last week the GHSS Track & Field Team proudly wore our I Love Jordan shirts at the BAA Meet in Kincardine and successfully competed in many events! Of special note is the excellent high jumping by Brett MacMillan with some pushes from Jordan (he wore his shirt and his angel pin!) to get over a height he had not achieved in a long time to place 2nd in the competition! We were all inspired to compete with the same perseverance Jordan showed in every sport she participated in! Thanks Jordan, it was an honour to have you along for inspiration! I sure missed you on the bus and at the meet….wished I could see you run the hurdles and take a few good jumps over the high jump bar!! I hope you stick with us as we head to CWOSSA this week.
I didn’t see this blog when I visited this website before, but I was just thinking about Jo and found it, which I’m glad about. I love that you posted her writing, haha, she wrote with all her personality. Especially her grade five speech…I remember her saying that in front of our class and then the school and it just brought back all these memories.
I took my angel with me to Myrtle Beach, North Carolina on March Break, and we had a great time. I’m planning on traveling the world after highschool, and I’m bringing her with me wherever I go!
I just wanted to add that normally people say that you don’t know what you have until it’s gone. That isn’t the case with Jo. She was appreciated every single day of her life.
Miss you xo.
Another trip with my Angel; funny we often said – The Fawcett’s just have to go to Aspen one day! The way Andy and Jordan ski? Not to mention Deb and Dave. And think of the chatting Deb and I could do all the way up those long gondola rides
It’s been an emotional year; it was a tough, late start for me at Beaver; for so many Saturday and Sunday mornings in the past started with me following Jo down Eager Beaver. “Go first Jo” I would say, let me follow and watch your beautiful, graceful way down. “Make me ski pretty”! My goodness she was an amazing and natural skier!
After hesitation I took the trip this year. I skied best ever; very steep with my angel every day. Inspiration……….
Aspen is crazy with wealth, outfits!! Poshie, beautiful……….Jordan would LOVE to see all the amazing clothes in stores and gorgeous people walking around. Her eyes were wide open last summer when Jo stayed with us in the city for a week. We went shopping every day. We “I” sipped wine in Yorkville while we people watched. A lot of beautifully dressed people in downtown Toronto on a sunny warm afternoon too. We visited the Bata Museum, shopped again…………..
Oh yes, back to Aspen………..I know she was up there; I would have never gone down all those runs I have never done before, but I had to show her from the very top. She got me down; safe and sound and with an ease and grace I never felt before on skies…………..

Laura Artibello
Jordan made a trip with many of us to North Carolina and Washington DC this past March Break! We made lots of great memories and i cant think of a time she wasn’t with me.
Ever since Jordan returned from France she told me how much she wanted to travel, to see the world and all it has to offer! We made plans to go to teachers collage together and go to Australia for a semester. This is a task I still plan to accomplish!
On our last day of touring Washington we all wore our I <3 Jordan T-Shirts and I know she was laughing at us! It took many shots to get one we all looked decent in! if hair wasn't flying around then someone had blinked or looked away! i ducked in this one because i didn't want to get hit with bird crap by a crap-hawk!!
In April Jordan’s coming to Mexico with me! As long as that’s alright with her
I’m really going to need you if I am to get over my fear of flying!!!!!! I also hope that you can come see Rihanna with Heather and I in June! It shall be a blast!
Jordan I miss you soo much!!!! Everytime I see your picture on my nightstand it helps me get through the day! I’m always checking to make sure my angel is on my coat and and when I wear my I <3 Jordan T-Shirt I feel kind of empowered, knowing that your with me wherever I am!
I love you with all of my heart!
To the moon and back<3
Your hubby Brett
In Loving Memory of a Talented Girl, an Astonishing GHSS Lion, a Princess, and an Angel.
Throughout all of our lives there have been very few people who have achieved such an extraordinary amount of respect, admiration, and love within a lifetime, especially one so young of age. This particular girl had gained an incredible status at the age of just 15 years old, and has created an everlasting legacy of love, honesty, knowledge, understanding, compassion, and courage (to just name a few), that will be remembered and passed down for generations to come.
I never knew Jordan on a personal level, and to claim so would be a lie. However, one did not need to know her in person, for she gave off an overwhelming, but very comforting charisma that let you know just what a great and unique girl she was. She had a name for herself, and it wasn’t just because of her grades or athletic accomplishments, which were outstanding, she had created that name for herself through her interactions with everyone around her. She was always there to give her support and strength to help others when they needed it. You didn’t need to be a genius to clearly see that she genuinely cared for her family and friends without fail nor faltering.
I can honestly say that even though I never knew her personally, Jordan Fawcett has changed my life on a very emotional scale. She has taught me some of the most precious lessons that one could ever learn during their time on earth. She has taught me to appreciate the little things, the small moments that you never really think of. She has taught me to appreciate every second that I have with my family and friends, never taking it for granted. She has given me strength to get through some of the toughest and most trying times of my life, and has made me understand that you are only as strong as you allow yourself to be. There are so many things that have been shown to me that I can’t even list them all.
It hasn’t even just been me who has been forever changed by her. I know that every single person who knew, or had known of Jordan, have all been changed by her. It was clear that she wasn’t just a regular girl. When she passed, it sent a shock throughout an entire community, and even farther. Over 80% of GHSS had dressed formal for her after she passed away. Not only that, but college students spread all over Ontario, who were once kids attending GHSS a year ago, such as myself, dressed formal for her wherever we were. Over 2,500 posts were made on facebook within the matter of a few days. Over 700 people had attended her funeral service, let alone visited her for only a moment before she was laid to rest. An entire community had put aside all of their problems and their differences, and had come together to honour the life and memory of Jordan. Our world literally stood still for her, to show just how much we cared for her and how much she meant to everyone.
I can’t even begin to wonder how proud Dave, Debbie, Andy, the entire Fawcett Family, and all of Jordan’s friends, are of her. The way I look at it, Jordan was a blessing for everyone. She has turned into everyone’s light to shine through the darkness, our source of strength when we think that we can’t carry on anymore, and our Guardian Angel when we feel alone or scared. She has become a part of each and every one of us, and her legacy has been left for us to continue to carry on throughout our time and beyond.
We all wear our Angel pins to show that we care, and that we remember. We all cherish that Angel because it just doesn’t represent Jordan; it shows that we always carry her with us wherever we go. She will always be watching over us, making sure that everything is ok. There is never a moment without her, nor will there ever be. She is a part of us.
Here is to you Jordan. You will never be forgotten. You were the best of not only the Lion’s pride, but you were and always will be the best of each and everyone us. You earned it.
And now, as our Angel, we will feel your smile grace our lives with your beautiful light throughout every day until our own time comes.
We’ll see you again soon Jordan <3
p.s. This is a picture of the drawing I made for you. I hope you like it

Although our hearts were telling us that we wanted to be close to our family and our memories of Jordan, this winter Lynn and I did take a two week trip to the sunny south. And a cruise of the Western Caribbean. Our Angel accompanied us to Tampa were we joined our cruise ship. She was with us on the Cayman Islands. She looked over us in Belize …. and Roatan. We needed only to check the pin on my shirt to feel her with us in Cozumel.
But mostly she was closest to us on those nights at sea when her Nanny and I were alone on deck. While standing at the rail of a ship at night overlooking the vastness of sea and heavens we could feel Jo’s presence as if our couples embrace was a group hug.
We had many portraits taken of us on the ship that week. Only one, however, did not seem to mirror the sadness in our eyes. In that one, we discovered only after we had ordered it, the photographer had us posed so that the angel pin in my lapel was hidden. But that’s all right. We know it was there. And we know it will be there wherever our travels in the future take us.
We love you Jo.
This is a great site. Definitely brought the tears. She is so beautiful, i miss seeing her face at school. She was such an incredible girl … It’s so insane for me to be reading her final drama written assignment because i remember when i was also writing about empathy. I love how she mentions her epilepsy and says “the glass is half full!” She makes everyone want to be as positive as her. She was thankful for the life she had and she is such an inspiration to me. I will always wear your angel Jordan<3
Jordan and I met when she was in the eighth grade and I was in the seventh. Although she was a grade ahead of me, we learned that she is only a few weeks older than me. Her birthday is Decemeber 27th 1994 and mine is January 12th 1995. We would always talk about our 16th birthday, and this year we both finally turned 16. On her birthday I wore my I love Jordan t-shirt and her angel around my neck and celebrated her sweet 16. A couple of weeks later I wore my I love Jordan t-shirt and her angel around my neck and she celebrated my sweet 16 with me.
I will always wear her angel and take her to places she’s never been. Every year we will celebrate our birthdays together.
Love, Paige McGoldrick
[img]http://www.jordanfawcett.ca/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/I love Jordan-1.JPG[/img]
I wanted to share with you that I took Jordan to New York last week; my angel went through 6 “very fashionable” clothing changes (regardless that I only stayed 3 days) and watched me try on 6 more………….
Deb reminded me to-day that Jordan always wanted to go with me to NYC when she got a bit older. As you all can imagine; I would have luved to take her…… And I told her I would.
When Deb asked the students to take Jo with them to all their life adventures, I decided I would too. My Angel is a part of me now. And you know what, stayed at a brand new hotel which was an Oasis for me for 3 days……….. Funny how things seem to happen a little different when you have an Angel on you.
I also stood and looked up at that fabulous 400 year old Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Centre for a long time; so did Jo, right from my collar (and we did Bloomingdales and Saks – I know she would have adored that part!)
Jordan will be going to Quebec City this week; I know I will be safe on these travels as long as my Angel is with me.
Jo was also busy this weekend looking after someone in heaven; she’s always going to have a job to do. I’m inspired to know her spirit and enthusiasm will be there to look after those who go, especially those children, babies. Someone has to be there for them…………..
And my choice is to keep her spirit and enthusiasm within me, to help me cope, to guide me through tough days, sad days, to keep me focused. To lead me through decisions (mostly the tough ones) – Jordan Fawcett was an old soul………….. and she will always guide in spirit to take care of her Mom, Dad, Andy, family and friends.
Keep well All!
Love, Posh